
February 22, 2005

meeting me

Filed under: Doodles, Blabs and Rants — didee @ 9:52 am

I just did the most stupid thing in my life so far (last night actually). And now my mind is battling whether i should waste much energy trying to regret what happened. It’s just so damn stupid! 😦

Actually right now.. I don’t know myself anymore. I don’t know what I really want, what I want to do, who i am, who cares for me and who even gives a damn about me.

Ever been to a point in your life where you discover something new about yourself? I mean, i know that each of us would never stop growing, never stop learning… But ever been to a point where you realized something about you that is totally contradictory to who you thought you were?

Like all our life we’ve lived in a certain scope, a certain circle, and certain limitations– not set by anybody else but rather fenced there

by us ourselves. Probably because of certain beliefs or taboo or ignorance on our side.

And perhaps, I did a crossover; I stepped over the demarcation line between who i thought I was and who i never thought I am. I know i am not making sense… I just really want to let it all out. Arrgh! God I’m so confused!

I met another me last night, someone new, and yet I know that she is still me,

totally a part of me, undeniably me.

But there’s no point going over it again and again. I’m slowly picking up the pieces now… But where will I go?

hi self… nice meeting you.

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